1 incredible minute of the most glorious place on this Earth!

by Phil Schneider

If you want to open your soul, then fly over Israel.  This video does exactly that – scanning Israel from North to South.  There are so many exquisite views in the North of Israel.  But, they are not alone in fascinating the mind of any Israel lover.


Enjoy the coasts of the Mediterranean in the North and center of Israel off of Acre and Jaffa.  Then enjoy seeing the contrast between the blue-green waters of the Dead Sea and the beaches to the west of Israel.

Why does this sight of a Gamla fortress in the Golan or the ancient Nimrod fortress in the Galil bring out such powerful emotions?  Why does the Masada fortress towering over the Dead Sea never cease to amaze?  One could suggest that the sheer size of the precipices makes one wonder. How on earth did people actually build these things?  I think that is definitely part of it. At the Western Wall, there are massive stones in the structure. Each one must have required tens of people to lift them. But there is one stone that seems absolutely impossible to lift – even with a hundred people. So, perhaps, the enormity of these structures is part of the story.

But, there is more.

It would seem that when we see these amazing feats of engineering in a Land that we feel is alive, we begin to feel something inside ourselves.

We begin to feel like we are taking a flight back in time. To a time when giants of the spirit built up the Land.

When giants of the spirit fought against impossible odds to hold onto the Holy Land.

Even without understanding the details of what occurred at Masada, it is clear that this was a fortress that was built with enormous sweat and tears. And, yes, it and many other fortresses were lost with enormous amounts of self-sacrifice. The common thread among all of these special spots – a deep connection to hold onto the Land of Israel.

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