A Special Passover Corona Concert By The Israel Philharmonic

by Phil Schneider

If there is one musical Corona production you should watch this year, this is it. These amazing talented musicians all put together their talents from their living rooms, bedrooms, and gave us a truly wonderful musical production from the Israeli philharmonic filled with tunes from the Passover Seder night. It seems like the conductor may have had the hardest job in this group, but it really came out great!

The Israeli philharmonic has entertained for decades and is known for it’s talents. Israel has been known for it’s musically talented population. But, around 25-30 years ago, Israel had an influx of around 500,000 – 750,000 Jews from the former Soviet Union that led to a massive increase of talented musicians. This brought Israel to an even greater level of music.

At times like now, during the Coronavirus pandemic, we all need as much music as possible. We need to transcend our daily activities our home. Music provides the respite for all of us that we need. For any who are able to, this is a great time to learn a musical instrument and a new appreciation for great music.

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