Jewish Students on Campus Stand Up to Anti-Semites

by Phil Schneider

Campuses across the United States are breeding grounds for anti-semites. But it is not an overt form of anti-semitism. It is a sneaky form of anti-Semitism. The cloak that anti-semites now use is called BDS.  More specifically, BDS resolutions.
Canary Mission is their to remove that cloak and make it crystal clear that BDS resolutions on campus incite anti-Semitism. Watch the resolution process at George Washington University.

BDS Resolutions Fuel Anti-Semitism

Whenever Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) or other anti-Israel activists initiate a Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) campaign, anti-Semitism rises. At George Washington University (GWU), Washington, D.C., this is exactly what happened.

A new Canary Mission report, Anti-Semitism at George Washington University Exposed, (August 2018), highlights the individuals behind an April anti-Semitic BDS resolution.  This resolution passed the GWU Student Association (SA), via secret ballot.

The Jewish students made it perfectly clear why they opposed the resolution.

One student said: “I would feel unsafe if this bill were to pass, as I know many others would as well.”

Another went further and claimed: “I am made to feel that my identity is taboo on this campus.”

Secret Ballots Don’t Hide Anti-Semitism

The Anti-Semites decided that the key for this to move forward is a secret ballot.

Despite Jewish fears and statistics that show a clear connection between BDS resolutions and campus anti-Semites, the resolution passed.  In April, GWU students led by SJP passed their #DivestThisTime BDS resolution. They achieved this via secret ballot in the GWU SA, 18-6.

Proponents of the BDS resolution thought that by voting via secret ballot, they could hide their anti-Semitism. They believed that using a secret ballot would allow them to marginalize Jewish students and avoid accountability to their electorate.

SJP (Students for Justice in Palestine) Exposed

SJP activists went to considerable lengths to conceal their identities, but they failed.

Canary Mission’s new report exposes 40 individuals behind the April BDS resolution:

  • 13 SJP activists
  • 8 SJP coordinating committee members, as indicated by SJP activist Abby Brook
  • 4 SJP-allied group leaders
  • 4 Co-sponsors of the 2018 resolution
  • 11 Student senators who voted for the resolution to be held via secret ballot

Students for Justice in Palestine in GWU

Here’s  a dandy quote from one SJP member.

Morgan Richmeier: “Just had my first fight with some Zionists in public. They called me antisemitic. They’re stupid and I’m going to physically fight them the next time I see them”

—-Twitter Jan 28, 2018

It’s All Connected

SJP members push for BDS resolutions.  It’s the most effective way to “normalize” anti-Israel activity for this generation.  It cloaks their anti-semitic efforts as human rights activities which sounds so humane.  This catches the unaware student.  It is smart, but also a lie.  BDS resolutions should be called out at all opportunities for what they truly are – anti-semitism for millennials.


Associated Videos: BDS is Anti-Semitic

Rabbi Lord Sacks on Anti-Semitism

The Many Lies of Omar Barghouti 

About Canary Mission:
Canary Mission is an anti-Semitism watchdog created to document the people and groups that are promoting hatred of the USA, Israel and Jews on college campuses in North America. Canary Mission investigates hatred across the entire political spectrum, including the far right, far left and anti-Israel activists.

For more about this campaign and links to the individual student’s profiles, visit the campaign page at

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