Are you Serious? Did a Muslim Say That at the United Nations?

by Leah Rosenberg

It’s sad that this speech is still relevant. Has anything changed at the United Nations? Why does the UN still attack the one democracy in the Middle East?

The United Nations Needs to Change

Amran Hussain, an English Muslim student, spoke as a representative of the EUJS (European Union of Jewish Students) before the UN’s Human Rights Council. At first glance, that statement throws you off. A Muslim is a member of a Jewish Students organization? How does that work?

Hussain connects because what interests him are basic values of human rights. There are Israeli Muslims who have the same basic human rights and freedoms that he enjoys in Great Britain. Muslims, Israelis, and British could and should unite by rallying together around the flag of human rights and freedom. In fact, that’s exactly what the UN’s Human Rights Committee is supposed to do. Isn’t it?

But sadly, the UN is guilty of not upholding its founding principles. The fact that this speech even needs to be said at the UN in the first place shows that something is wrong in the United Nations. Amran Hussain is a hero. Given his background, he was still willing to stand up for Israel and the Jewish people. He deserves a medal of bravery!

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