Melanie Phillips enlightened the world with the truth about Israel

by Phil Schneider

The Jewish people’s claim in the Land of Israel is so rock-solid. But nobody says it better than Melanie Phillips. She understands well that the biggest problem with the narrative that is spread across the world about the State of Israel is the total disconnection from truth.

She dissects the results of the concept of the two-State solution to the Middle East problem. She properly explains that since the 1930’s, the idea of a 2-State solution has been on the table. But, it has never brought anything but more and more war.

The most riveting part of the interview is the part where Melanie so eloquently explains that the worst label that is commonly hoisted on advocates of Israel in British intellectual circles is the label of “right wing.” She explains that the ramifications of this label are such that people sometimes lose their livelihood, and their standing in their communities. So, therefore, people will often shy away from making their views known. But not Melanie. She says it loud and clear. The truth is that the Arabs in the Middle East, and in the Land of Israel – in particular, do not have an organized wish to live side-by-side with the State of Israel. They wish to replace the State of Israel and drive the Jews out.

These are not just Melanie’s words. This is what the Arab side has stated countless times, and shows in their actions in almost every way. It is a breath of fresh air to hear Melanie say what should be so obvious, but is unfortunately, a rarity to hear in today’s day and age.

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