NFL stars visit the Western Wall

by Leah Rosenberg

The Temple Mount is not the subject of this video.  It is the Western Wall.  However, the entire holiness of the Western Wall derives its essence from the holiness of the Temple Mount.

What is the Western Wall?

Well, this is going to sound very anti-climactic.  The Western Wall is actually a retaining wall of the Temple Mount.  So, does it truly have an inherent holiness?  The answer is a clear and resounding – Yes.

First, some basic history.  King Solomon built the 1st Temple more than 2,500 years ago.  It stood right on top of the location where the Dome of the Rock now stands.  400+ years later, the Temple was destroyed by the Babylonians.  A mere 70 years later, the Jewish people began the rebuilding of the 2nd Temple.  It also stood for 400+ years until the Romans destroyed the 2nd Temple.

A Remnant of the Temple

What was left of the Temple?  Almost nothing.  All of the Holy vessels were taken or destroyed by the Romans.  Rumors abound that some of them are in the Vatican to this day.  Some archaeologists think that they are in the Judean desert.  Others argue that they are buried deep underground under the Dome of the Rock.

The only remnant left from the Temple that is completely intact is the Western Wall.  It is largely underground, but the above ground section – outside of the Temple Mount – is an active synagogue frequented by thousands every day.   On Festivals, it is not rare for hundreds of thousands to come to the Western Wall.

Dome of the Rock

Then, how did such a holy site for the Jewish people get covered by a Muslim symbol?

Well, that was part of the point.  That’s right – the Arabs constructed a structure that was built to preserve the foundation rock of the Jewish Temple.  But, it was more than that.  It stands to reason that the Arabs were looking to erase the Jewish connection to the holiest spot on earth to the Jewish people.  Moreover,  the Arabs – back then – understood that there is some inherent holiness on this spot.

Ancient Connections to the Temple Mount

It also goes back a long time – but not 2,500 years.  It was built in the year 691 CE – so it goes back 1,300+ years.

The Jewish connection to Jerusalem goes back even before the building of the Temple.  Jerusalem is often called the city of King David as he was the first Jewish king to conquer Jerusalem.

Today, tourists from all over the world, including NFL stars, come to touch and pray at the Western Wall – to catch a slight glimpse of the holiness of the past that still remains today.




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