One of the most vile anti-Semites is running for the U.S. senate

by Michael Sax

This guy should be banned from public office. He is a vile anti-Semite and says quite clearly what he thinks of Jews. This hate speech has no place in our society.

Vile Public Statements

Patrick Little has posted on a social network vile speech against Jews. Patrick stated:I propose a government that makes counter-semitism central to all aims of the state. A government:

1) Of a People, for that people, free from jews.

2) That cannot revoke the right to bear arms, such that this people can remain free from jews

3) That forbids all immigration except of biological kin, where no person of jewish origin may live, vacation, or traverse

Who is Patrick Little?

Patrick is 33 years old and works as an IT engineer. All over his social media posts and in interviews, Little has stated anti-Semitic views. He denies the Holocaust. As well, Little told Newsweek that he sees Adolf Hitler as “the second coming of Christ.”  Little has also called on for the U.S. to become “free from Jews.”

Call to action

We need to raise awareness about what is happening. It’s important that this man, with his hateful views, is not elected. Additionally, we say clearly that we do not accept bigotry and anti-semitism.

What happened to him?

Thankfully, on May 5, 2018, Little was denied entry to the California Republican Party Convention. “There’s no room for that kind of hate speech that that man uses,” Cynthia Bryant, executive director of the California Republican Party, told the Los Angeles Times.

It’s frightening to think that people, with these hateful ideas, may actually represent the public.  These people have no place representing others.

Canary Mission

Canary Mission is a cutting edge organization. They document and expose individuals and organizations that promote hatred of the USA, Israel and Jews.  They especially focus their efforts on North American college campuses.

Today, it is Patrick Little.  Tomorrow, some other person with hateful ideas will come out of the woodwork and strive for power.  The haters need to be monitored, outed and brought down.

Watch and SHARE to warn others about this horrifying individual. #WhiteSupremacistCandidate

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