A Soviet Jew shows that in Israel, you can achieve your dreams

by Leah Rosenberg

Listen to this Soviet Jew speak of his journey to Israel. Only passion and dedication to Judaism can lead a man like this to return home.

The Proud Soviet Jew

Arsen Ostrovsky was born in the Ukraine when it was still part of the Soviet Union. His family survived some of the worst of the worst. They eventually made their way to Australia. But trying to escape antisemitism doesn’t work. He felt like something was missing when he was in Australia.

And the turning point was when the American Jewish journalist Daniel Pearl was murdered in Pakistan in 2002. His last words were, “My father is Jewish, my mother is Jewish, I am Jewish.” And that was when the hope of 2,000 years became a reality. Moving to Israel was the only logical thing for Arsen. Israel is the only Jewish home. Ostrovsky eventually went on to receive the Bonei Zion Prize for Israel Advocacy. He is a passionate advocate for Israel online, follow him on Twitter or Facebook.

Moving to Israel

Making aliyah, (literally “going up”) or moving to Israel is not an easy thing. But there is something so fulfilling and meaningful about living in God’s land. There is something special about being a player (and not on the sidelines) in Jewish history. Living in Israel gives a Jew a strong sense of identity. Jewish holidays are national holidays. Street names reflect Judaism and history. Landmarks are personal because it is all part of the chain of Jewish history.

Hopefully one day soon more and more Jewish people will see that. Hopefully more Jews will realize where their true home is and should be. And we pray that God will bring the final redemption!

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