The captain of Israel’s lacrosse team has an inspiring message to share

by Leah Rosenberg

Team Israel always has a good story. But this story of the captain of Israel’s Lacrosse team is unique. Find out what else he does to serve his country.

Captain Jake Silberlicht

Jake Silberlicht was born in the United States. And that’s part of what makes him so inspiring. He moved to Israel at age 20 and served in the IDF. He didn’t have to move and put his life at risk for Israel. But he did. Silberlicht chose to give to his country.

Lacrosse Captain for Team Israel

Silberlicht decided to stay in Israel and pursue his love of lacrosse. He’s proud to represent his country as the captain of Team Israel.

And now, for the first time ever, Israel is hosting the 2018 Men’s World Lacrosse Championships.

Come support Team Israel!

Working with Youth

What is even more inspiring is Silberlicht’s true reason for staying in Israel. He wanted to be a lacrosse coach for children. The children are what kept him living in Israel. Coaching youth is something that Silberlicht’s loves to do. It’s a passion of his. He works with children in Ashkelon, which is close to the border of Gaza. As he said, “These kids are under a bit of a threat living near the Gaza Strip and it’s meaningful work and I’m happy doing it.” These kids live with the threat of constant rocket fire, and Captain Jake Silberlicht is giving them positivity in their lives.

Whether it’s being in the IDF, being the captain of Israel’s lacrosse team, or coaching children, it’s always good to be on Team Israel.

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