Watch the Incredible Performance of the Israeli ‘X Factor’!

by Phil Schneider

X Factor Israel is the Israeli version of the British music competition. An amazing performance here by Fusion using cups – singing the song “Some Nights” by the American rock band “Fun.” And their performance looks incredibly fun. “Who am I and what do I stand for” – what a great message – performed beautifully.

Israeli Talent

There is no question that young Israeli children are exposed and inspired by talented musicians, performers, and so many others across the world. Israel is a full-blown member of the Western world, despite being located in the Middle East. Israel stands alone in a sea of third world dictatorships that rule their populations through brute power.

One aspect of freedom is that it brings out the talented from the woodworks. Through shows such as this, people don’t need major budgets to burst out onto the national stage. Israel has had many success stories that have led them to have performers become world-wide sensations.

However, despite all of these impressive performances, the main wow that people have about Israel is not about it’s hi-tech innovation or talented individuals. It is the spiritual essence of the people and the Land. It is the fusion of spirit in an old-new people in an old-new Land that awakens within so many people latent aspects of spirituality. That is the most incredible aspect of the People in the Land of Israel.

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