Brigitte Gabriel defends Jews in one of the best speeches the UN has ever heard

by Leah Rosenberg

Brigitte Gabriel fights for what is right in the world. She is not a bystander who watches history go by as different religions are targeted.

Brigitte Gabriel’s UN Speech

The United Nations has been a place of Jew hatred and Israel hatred. Resolution after resolution has been passed attacking the Jewish state. Reports have criticized Israel – but they are false. So many other world problems are ignored because the UN is obsessed with condemning Israel for nothing. Christians are being slaughtered throughout the Muslim world. Terrorists are murdering Jews. And the UN talks about Israel’s “war crimes.”

But Brigitte Gabriel got up at the UN and addressed antisemitism in a way that many others will not. Her speech is honest, clear, and needs to be heard by all. Standing up for Jews and defending Israel is not easy to do in front of the organization that rejects it too often. She says in her speech, “To deny the connection of the Jewish people to the land of Israel is antisemitism in its purest form.” Yet so many DO deny it.

The World Denies the Truth

The world denies a lot of truths about the Jewish people. Gabriel addresses many important points in her speech. She brings the facts. She tries to tell the world what Hamas does and how the world falls for it. Israel is blamed, but Hamas is at fault. What will the world’s response be to her powerful speech? Will she help them see the truth?

If they can’t see the truth after hearing her speech, we are in trouble.

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