Pro-Jihad Jew-hater Rep. Rashida Tlaib speaks at Hamas-tied CAIR event

by Leah Rosenberg

CAIR stands for Council on American-Islamic Relations. And guess what? They support terrorism. And America’s new congresswoman supports them!


The Council on American-Islamic Relations has been known to support terrorist organizations like Hamas. One of Hamas’ stated goals includes destroying Israel. Israel is the only Jewish state in the entire world. The land has belonged to the Jewish people for thousands of years. And organizations like Hamas want to destroy Israel and the Jewish people. CAIR seems like a good organization when you hear about what it stands for. And then you find out about who they are and what they do, and everything changes.

Rashida Tlaib Supports Terrorism

Have Americans not woken up yet? Rashida Tlaib spoke at a CAIR event in Chicago. She supports this organization! How can one of America’s own congresswomen support such an entity? The way she gives her speech in this video and the things she says are frightening.

Are you not scared yet? What will the future of America be if people like her are being voted into Congress? We are facing a terrible reality. Indeed, Tlaib is fighting for the destruction of Israel, just like terrorist organizations are. She speaks at CAIR events. How much clearer can it be?

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