University of North Carolina Defiles Martin Luther King Legacy on Israel & the Jews

by Avi Abelow

One of the leaders, and faces, of the Women’s march, Tamika Mallory was invited by the University of North Carolina to give the keynote address on MLK day. The Center for Combating Hate in America has launched a petition to stop the University from allowing this injustice by giving antisemitism an open and free stage. Mallory exemplifies just about everything that Martin Luther King was against with regards to Israel and the Jews. She won’t state that Israel has a right to exist and she is a friend and supporter of Farrakhan the vile antisemite.

Martin Luther King on Israel & the Jews

Martin Luther King was clear as day that he supported Israel, Zionism and the Jews. He stated unequivocally that anti-Zionism is antisemitism and that Israel has every right to exist. Yet, Mallory is even worse. She is an antisemite since she is anti-Zionism, and she is a friend and supporter of the proud and unrepentant Anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan. UNC has made a huge mistake by inviting Mallory to give the keynote address.

Mallory should also take note on MLK’s position on the Jews. “Probably more than any other ethnic group, the Jewish community has been sympathetic and has stood as an ally to the Negro in his struggle for justice.” 
– Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. — March 25, 1968 (10 days before his assassination)

Tamika Mallory & Antisemitism

Why is it so hard to say that Israel has a right to exist? Just listen to how hard it is for Mallory, one of the co-founders of the Women’s March, to say that Israel has a right to exist. Mallory, and her fellow Jew hating Women’s March co-founders are a disgrace to women and to humanity.

It is so sad that this question even exists. No other country is ever asked this question, only Israel. And for her to not be able to say outright that Israel has a right to exist, is her way of saying that Jews are different, Jews don’t have a right to their ancestral homeland like other nations. That is a blatant discrimination and double standard against Jews. That is what we call antisemitism. And that is what Martine Luther King Jr. himself called antisemitism.

Mallory & Antisemite Louis Farakhan

Mallory is a Farrakhan supporter. A man who says that he is not an anti-semite, he is anti-termite, as well as saying that Hitler was a great man!


Please sign the petition set up by the Center for Combating Hate in America to stop this blatant platform for antisemitism that also defiles the name and legacy of Martin Luther King Jr.

Melanie Phillips on Tamika Mallory

British journalist Melanie Phillips gives a fabulous insight into Mallory’s stance on Israel. It is directly connected to her critique of the intersectionality direction of the Women’s March movement, led by Mallory, Sarsour and others.

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