Why this Ethiopian Jew is a proud Zionist

by Leah Rosenberg

What an inspiring story about one Ethiopian Jew’s journey to Israel. She went from being illiterate to becoming a Deputy Ambassador of Israel.

The Ethiopian Jews Who Kept Hope

When you listen to Kasa Bainesai Harbor speak, it is amazing. Her story of her and her grandfather is something special. It is a story of hope that so many in Ethiopia, as well as Jews all over the world, held on to. They held on to their Judaism and their history. That is hard to do for thousands of years of exile, but the Jews did it.

The fact that she came to Israel and could not read or write but then went on to eventually become the Deputy Ambassador of Israel to New Zealand is inspiring. She never gave up.

Jewish Heritage

Kasa speaks of her heritage. Despite being Ethiopian and being forced thousands of years ago to leave Jerusalem, she and her family never lost their heritage. Kasa appreciates that after all those generations and all that time, she had the privilege to return home.

And that is like Jews all over the world. They held on to hope and their heritage even though they were not living in their true home. It is something the world needs to realize. The Land of Israel is part of the Jewish heritage. It was given to the Jews directly from God. And it is amazing to see that Jews of all types, all throughout the Earth, recognize where they belong. They identify with their heritage.

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